I must admit that tamil music is my biggest inspiration.It is just in a different league from other music(including bollywood).They have such great "NOW" tunes, and they tend to give glimses of the future of Indian music.I believe this is mainly because of the language.Tamil is so right for music, the sounds of the language complement so well with musical instruments.It just is a cool language.Anyways, So lets get on with the review...shall we
I never liked yuvan shankar raja's music.It was too maas for me.But sarvam changed it.Yuvan's style is that he uses a lot of percusion, drums, heavy stuff , meaning hisarrangements are always heavy, and it worked quite well in this movie.I've always disliked his heavy usage of apple loops, but this time i got over it.
1. Siragugal: This song is definitely the break out song of the album.Its got all the thingsneeded for a great duet.A great tune with again trademark heavy arrangments.Vocals are okand for me its a different take on duets yuvan style.
2. Kaatrukulli: Sung by yuvan himself, this is a great slow number.I love the arrangment here,especially the sound with which the song starts off with and which stays for almost its entirity.My analysis of the origin of this sound is from the sound of a drop falling in water.By adding effectsi believe we can acheive this sound, but its just a guess.The tune of this just progresses ahead for more than usual and sounds good too.Love the guitar inbetween.
3. Adada va: Sung by his dad - Illayaraja, this song is a great experiment.The hip hop beat is just sick, and the flute is WICKKEEED.The structure of the song doesn't follow any norms and is just wild.Tune for english vocals is just ok, could have been better.But overall an awesome number.
All other songs follow the general norm of tamil music, i.e hip, cool and different for outsiders.
I urge everyone to check out tamil music, pick up any AR's albums or u can pick this one too.
Glimpses of the future of music:
I miss u da from Sakkarakatti - A.R.Rahman.
Adada va from Sarvan - Yuvan shankar raja.